"So you too, when you do all the things which are commanded you, say, 'We are unworthy servants; we have done only that which we ought to have done." (Luke 17:10)
Christians view themselves as unworthy servants in light of all that Christ has done for them (being once blind rebels, spritually dead and enslaved to sin). We now have the privilage of treasuring Christ above all things and through the gospel we can share His value & worth with others.
Home for the holidays...or better yet CHRISTmas!!! I am truly blessed, my wife and I are back home for a week to enjoy family, great food, relaxation and even gifts. But as a follower of Christ I am on guard and aware of all the idolatry and silly things that are done in the name of Christmas that bring empty satisfaction and false hope. I'm not trying to put coal in anyone's stalkings but I'm so grieved that everything seems to get glory around Christmas except Christ. Santa, the mall, wrapping paper, football, food, Christmas trees, etc. all of it seems to get more attention and adoration this time of year than Christ Himself! Is not this Savior who came to save His people from their sins (Mt. 1:21) the reason for the season?
Sure the world will ignore Christ, this babe in a manger who would soon call men to repent and follow Him. But even the church in America seems hypnotized by rampid materialism and a fat jolly myth who lives upon parent's lies and stealing God's glory. Santa works for Jesus, and he was once a saint who would be appauled at what his story has become. I am a pilgrim who journey's through this world until I am at home with Christ. May Christ get the glory on Christmas in the hearts of His people whom He has redeemed with his very blood.
I pray that my heart is kept from loving this world or anything else for that matter anywhere close to my passion and love for Christ. I don't want to waste my life, or my marriage, my abilities, opportunities, holiday, or money on anything. But Lord, may all that you give me to stewart be used to bring glory to your awesome name!
The FCA (fellowship of Christian Athletes) held a nation wide event on many college athletic fields recently called 'Fields of Faith'. College students gathered to tell their testimonies, worship, and pray. I had the privilage to be one of the speakers and this is how it went down.
I know I go to a Christian college but this one of the most dangerous places to be for 'good kids who aren't saved but think they're saved'. On top of that, the staff talks to every student as if they're a Christian....but what if they aren't a Christian? What if their superficial and they've never recieved a new heart and biblically repented? Jesus is the one who told us that very few people who call themselves believers actually enter through the narrow gate and walk on hard path that leads to eternal life. Most are decieved... I was decieved most of my life so I know first hand that its hard to see when you're blind. So I wanted to make the most of this opportunity and be faithful to God.
I incorported verses from Matthew 7 into my testimony. I wanted people to see how we can decieve ourselves into thinking we're saved by being around believers or knowing orthodox creeds but never really examine our hearts in light of Scripture. Mt. 7:21-23 states a terrifying fact, many people who call Jesus their Lord will die and think they're right with God and on their way to heaven but will be rejected and sent to hell! Why? Because only those who do the will of God will be saved. ITS NOT WHAT YOU SAY, ITS WHAT YOU DO,HOW YOU LIVE, AND WHAT YOU'RE REALLY TRUSTING IN! So if so many people are decieved how can we know we're not one of them?
We must examine our lives, what we desire, and see our fruits we produce to be able to know what kind of tree we are. In Mt. 7:16-21, Jesus lays out a way for us to test ourselves, by looking at our fruit. All the lost (including self-decieved false Christians) are bad trees who only produce bad fruit. Refering to a unregenerate heart that loves sin and is a slave to sin. Their fruit is evil, sinful, and self-righteous with no self denial and following after Christ. Out of this heart they may be able to fool themselves and other people but they're fruit isn't out of love for Christ or to the glory of God. They're trusting in all the they're deeds and things they've done in ministry rather than in the atonement of Christ alone. But Christians are good trees bearing good fruit as a style of life. Christians still sin and mess up but they're greatest desire is to be like Christ and to know Him. So they are constantly battling sin, overcoming, and denying themselves the fleeting pleasures of the world to follow Christ.
I closed with a plea to abandon any reliance on self or their good deeds. Only those who see themselves as hopelessly lost sinners will ever be saved. Only those who admit their guilt in killing Christ on the cross by their sin will ever recieve the grace it exhibits. Only the few who know they're sick will ever get the desire to seek healing from the doctor (Christ). So I finished with a call to repent and believe the gospel, don't decieve yourselves.
After a passionate pursuit to know & treasure Christ, preaching the gospel is the greatest most satisfying blessing this side of heaven. I've shared the gospel many places and with many people but I've never had the opportunity to go into a high security prison and preach the gospel. That was until the Lord used basketball to open a door for his glory. On tues. I played a pre-season game with my team (Asbury) against Northpoint prison. The whole experience was awesome.
ENTER THROUGH THE PRISON GATE It was pretty intimidating when we arrived. We went through many barb wired fences, checkpoints, and met cool correction officers. As we walked through the courtyard to the gym we received lazier stares and comments from prisoners. When we entered the gym it was loud, hostile and packed......I loved it. The court was caged in so imagine a cross between nba jam and street fighter. The prison team consisted of hyped-up, athletic brothers ready to throw down.....this was going to be fun.
THE GAME I prayed over the game and then we tipped off. We came out hot and got the prisoner's in the gym all hyped up...(I was talking a little bit to the crowd but it was all in fun). The game was fast and intense, lots 3's, lots of cross overs, lots of nice moves, and one sweet dunk by Jordan Hammond. We had the game but it slipped away in the final minutes as the prison beat us 98-94. Our guys never backed down but it was all in the Lord's hands. If we would have won those prisoner's would have been fighting & cursing each other out. They would have never listened to me share the gospel. Both teams gathered together as my Coach said a few words and then handed it over to me.
THE GOSPEL I knew I only had one shot with these guys and wanted to glorify God and lovingly speak eternal truths to these men who need hope. So I trusted in Christ that he would make himself known to the prisoners and my team through a broken and unworthy vessel. I wanted these guys to consider their soul and its worth and view themselves in light of God's standards not mans. I let them know we're all in the same boat, we're all in a prison waiting to die and stand before God in judgment. That this judgment would be of righteousness and that God will punish every sin and not accept anything less than perfect. So I took them through God's law to expose our sinfulness, the filth that's hidden deep in our hearts that will leave us condemned and hopeless. The prisoner's minds really started turning when i said 10 out of 10 people die and we're all going to have to face this judgment. our only hope is that the God who will judge us would be the same one who show us mercy and provides a Savior to rescue us from the wrath we deserve. I then unfolded the glorious gospel, that Christ was the sinless man who died to as a perfect sacrifice for our sins. To pay the penalty we deserve and than grant us his righteousness through faith. Repent and believe the gospel. The prisoners really embraced me afterwards, they said they'd be discussing what i said with each other. One guy said he was going to be reading his bible and I encouraged him to trust in the person and work of Christ for sinners not in what he is going to try to do in his own will power. It was an amazing experience, I know I'm unworthy to speak of Christ but I'm so humbled to think God may of used me to draw some struggling men to himself. I hope to see some of those guys one day in heaven.
Here's a link to an article written in the jessamine journal about this event: "RAZOR WIRE, BASKETBALL AND FAITH"
On September 18 Amanda & I celebrated our 3 year anniversary of regeneration! Just 3 years ago God graciously opened our eyes, raised us to spiritual life, made us new creatures, gave us new hearts & His Spirit, and granted us repentance and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To God I lay my life, talents, and gifts at His feet. I praise You Lord, for your faithfulness. You alone drew me to Yourself when I was a wretch pursing sin and even now you continue to cleanse me of my filthiness. To You alone belongs all glory, praise, worship, power, and dominion.
Here is a personal reflective piece I wrote for my English class recently about this glorious experience:
Very few believers in Jesus Christ have had such a dramatic conversion to Christianity as that of Saul from Tarsus.Saul was on the road to Damascus with intentions of violently jailing more Christians for their faith when he encountered Jesus Christ.After Jesus revealed himself to Paul it changed him forever.Paul’s purpose, desires and efforts conformed to an agenda that would please and glorify God.I, like Paul, have had a unexpected encounter with God that left me changed forever.My conversion was not so dramatic but it was definitive.It occurred on September 18, 2005 at a small church in Louisville, Kentucky.
Nearly all of my childhood I remember attending a Christian Church and was convinced that I was a Christian.Nevertheless, as I grew into my latter teenage years my lifestyle and desires were no different than any of my non-Christian friends.Sure I went to Church on Sundays but that was the depth of my Christian commitment to Christ.The rest of the week I was too busy serving and pleasing myself to ever consider that I loved sin and the things of this fleeting world more than my supposed Savior. I inched through life reaching out for anything that would temporarily satisfy my wondering heart and reckless teenage appetites.
At the age of 19, I began examining my own heart and considering my own ways and what my life was becoming.I had wasted a college basketball scholarship, dropped out of school, severed a relationship with my parents, quit my job, and turned to drug dealers for
friendship and a place to live.My life was a down spiraling party with no sense of peace or direction.I can remember sitting around with my intoxicated friends and asking them in a tone of disgust, “Don’t you think there is more to life then getting drunk and high?”Their blank looks and responses compelled me to blow the dust off my Bible and begin reading it for answers.I was living around constant drug abuse and violence but was intrigued by what I read in the Scriptures.
Following this crazy summer I received a post card from a local church advertising a drama they were performing called, “Final Destination.”It was attractive and interesting so my girlfriend, Amanda, and I decided to go.This drama didn’t contain great acting or stellar visual effects but it exposed something deep within me that I had never seen before.These actors seemed just like me as they committed everyday sins that I habitually did without any remorse.The drama and following message from the pastor helped me understand that there would be a day of recompense and I would have to give an account for every sin I have ever committed life.
To an extent I had always affirmed this intellectually but it was evident that I didn’t really believe it when one looked at my careless and sinful lifestyle. This terrified me because I honestly knew who I was in my heart and what I did when the pastor wasn’t looking.God was unlike any man, he could see through my shallow confessions and into a cold heart that was arrogant enough to think that empty lip service was required rather than an earnest heart.God had seen my every word, thought and deed.My conscience condemned me and my heart wouldn’t give me any rest at that moment.
For the first time in my life my eyes where opened to see how sinful I was and that I deserved to go to hell when I died.It didn’t matter that I was a church member, or had been
baptized, or that I had looked the part on Sunday mornings.My faith was self-serving and superficial.I had only made a glib decision in my mind but my heart had never truly changed.There was no fooling myself when I examined what I watched, whom I hung around, how I talked, and what things I occupied myself with.There had never been a turning away from sin in my life with an embracing of Christ as my all-satisfying joy and treasure.I had been a harlot to God by asking for his blessing on Sunday and then sleeping around with a sinful world the rest of the week.God would judge the heart and not the mask that showed up at church on Sunday morning.
The guilt I felt at that moment was nothing less than crushing. God was perfect and holy and demanded this of me if I were to be in a saving relationship with him.But it was plain that I was stained and filthy by my sinfulness.I was drawn to my precious and gracious Savior, Jesus Christ, who desired to rid me of my guilt and cleanse me through his death and resurrection.I trusted that Jesus died form me as a sinless and perfect sacrifice to satisfy the penalty of my sins.He amazingly died on a cross but not because he had sinned but because he was paying for the sins of others.I had broken God’s commandments but by faith I trusted that Jesus paid my sinful depth that I owed God and gave me His righteousness so that I could now be his child forever!
Since this day I have grown to love and treasure Christ more and more without ever looking back.Daily I stumble but the faithful God who saved me is quick to discipline me so that he may keep me.It seems that from the day of my conversion until now there has been a cleansing of my past love affair with sin and a growing desire to love God and the things he loves.I don’t know where I’d be today if I hadn’t encountered God on September 18, 2005.I’m just glad that I’m now fighting for God rather than against him.
Today I am so passionate about the gospel of Jesus Christ that I regularly go out to the streets to share the good news of Jesus Christ with any and all.I hope to go into full-time ministry one day with my wife.And yes, I did mention the blessing of a wife.I married that lovely girl who went with me to the drama on September 18, 2005.She also became a child of God that night.
I now attend a Christian college (Asbury). But biblically I know most of those around me are not Christians, they have just put on a mask & learned what to say & do when being watched. Its all head knowledge, their isn't a deep heart love for Christ like they have for the world or sports or reputation. So, when I hear them speak of Christ, the gospel, Christianity, etc. it is as if they have made a decision to better themselves and sin is reduced to bad choices we need to overcome. This will of course effect the way you share the gospel. It leads to depending on methods rather then simple truth, building friendship to replace gospel proclamation.
Which brings me to my point: can I command someone to repent & believe the gospel? Or should I merely make suggestions & give advice? I think the issue is authority & understanding if I actually do have a right to do this. Lets examine what Paul spoke to those unbelievers on Mars Hill:
"The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent, because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead."(Acts 17:30-31)
Paul commanded unbelievers to repent because God commands unbelievers to repent. In love, we also have the right & authority as ministers of the gospel. God saves men, not our methods, not our programs, or personalities or charm. With complete reliance upon the Holy Spirit and the power of the gospel we are to faithfully preach the word. Men have rebelled, sinned, hated their Creator and made gods to suit themselves. Men are ruined & headed for destruction so with the love of God in our hearts we must command them to turn from their evil ways and be restored in Christ. Let us be faithful to God, who alone deserves all praise & glory.
Here's a video from Paul Tripp that may help you.....our task is hard but is the most important thing in the world, we deal with souls.
The Lord blessed me & opened the door to witness to a youngman, Adam, a few days ago. He hangs out with a group of teens I see all the time in this area. I've actually been able to give them tracts but hadn't got to have any conversations until.......I was shooting ball at a local park when Adam got dropped off and started shooting with me (THE DOOR) and then soon began to talk to me about basketball (GOD OPENS DOOR). I then asked him if he attended church anywhere & futher explained the gospel.
A pivotal point in the conversation was when I began to explain that the way of salvation is through a narrow gate & on a hard path. Jesus said this & many other hard sayings to discourage the half-hearted followers & make it crystal clear that salvation is absolute & will cost you everything. I've heard that you can understand this verse as the gate being so narrow that one cannot bring anything threw it with him. Nothing, no secret sins, no half-hearts, etc.... You can no longer be Lord of your life. You must surrender all to Christ & follow where He may lead. I would never want to be unfaithful to God in sharing the gospel or to give a unbeliever false asurrance.
Adam really seem to take our conversation seriously. I pray he does.
Well Amanda & I have been in Wilmore, KY for over a week and are really enjoying the area. I've got to hang out with my new coach at Asbury College, Will Shouse, and I'm really excited about the upcoming season. Amanda and I are going to Wellington Church tomorrow so we're pretty excited about that. I actually went out to eat with their youth pastor, Blake, a few days ago and had a great time of fellowship and getting to know him a little better. The campus and parks out here are beautiful....it truly is 'Mayberry, USA' out here.
Yesterday my pastor from Auburndale Baptist Church & His whole family came up to visit us. Amanda & I had such a good time with them & their kids. I already miss them & Auburndale Baptist Church. I'm ready to start working out with the basketball team and hit the books hard. I can't believe I'm here to finish my degree and play basketball at Asbury College....crazy! God is faithful and good to his children, I know I don't deserve this. I'm sure these next few years are going to fly by. In the mean time I'll stay on my knees in God's Word and work hard for God's glory at whatever I put my hand too.
As far as evangelism....its kind of different out here. Everybodies 'churched'? I told Amanda 'its like moral town, USA out here'. Nothing like street evangelism on Bardstown Road with the Jude 23 Network. I may have to go into Lexington to find a more diverse spot. I'll just pray for grace to witness to those God brings along my path. But one encouraging witness encounter I had back in Louisville seems to have developed into something. A few weeks ago the Lord open the door for me to share the gospel with a former teammate from high school. He seemed to really take to heart our conversation so I gave him Mark Cahill's book, "One heartbeat away" and just prayed that God would move in His heart.
I got an email from him the first day I got to Wilmore that really encouraged me. He told me he's been reading the bible and has nearly finished 'One heartbeat away' and its blowing his mind. He had a few great questions about the faith and said he had been thinking about spiritual things but nothing really clicked until I witnessed to him and gave him the book. I'm praying that God will open his eyes and I've told him that God requires everything from him with the offer of eternal life & a cross. For now I asked him to read the parable of the soils in Luke 8 so that he understands his situation. 3 out of 4 people heard the word and fell away, but only one soil heard, understood & then produced fruit. I don't want this young man to fall away and decieve himself, I want him to repent & believe the gospel.
This was a special night, perhaps my last one with the Jude 23 Network because I'm moving to Wilmore, KY this week to attend college. Lord willing I'll be back in the future to labor with these precious people that I love so much. My first witness was with a group of four teen (18/19 yr. old) guys who had a little head knowledge of the gospel. They listened and were very open with me as I laid the 'foundation' to bring in the gospel. I wanted to let them know that being a Christian is a supernatural work of God, through faith, that can be seen by the fruit of one's life. 'Without holiness no one will see God' so I challenged these guys to look at their daily lifestyle in light of God's Word. Do you see a continual, not perfect, but a constant growing in love, purity, holiness and seperation from the world to God? Or are you growing in your friendship with the world & the things of this world?
Brandon & Nick
Soon I began to talk with two young men, Brandon & Nick, who have actually talked with John on couple other occasions. Hoping to water the seed that John has been sowing I engaged them in their conscience. As we began they said they didn't believe in God or Christianity and were loosely spewing profanity left & right. Over the next hour or so I began to see their hearts soften and their minds began to understand the heart of the gospel. That Christ is the only way because He is the only sufficient sacrifice for sin. All men are sinners and will pay for all their sins in hell unless God rescues them Himself....which He did!!!! In the person, in the life & in the sacrifice of the only righteous man to ever live (Jesus Christ: fully God & fully man).
These guys had questions about what is true repentance? and how can one know they're saved if they still sin? I explained that true repentance & faith is a gift from God which comes with a new heart, a new Spirit and with new desires to love God & hate sin. A true Christian isn't left on his own! No, God makes him a 'new creature' who now has the ability to fight against sin with his new heart & the Holy Spirit because sin, death & Satan has been defeated for us by Christ. Sure we may stumble, but we don't stay there because conviction will come and we now despise sin because we don't want to grieve our new treasure & life (Jesus Christ). When Christ died on the cross he paid for all the sins of believers (past, present & future) so that we can have peace with God and overcome sin, not continue in it. Brandon & Nick said they respected me for admitting my failures & the Jude 23 Network for sharing the gospel with them.
These guys even agreed with me that they felt guilt and little satisfaction in their lifestyles of sin. That it gave them enough pleasure to keep them coming back, but I told them their is One who is the bread of life & the Living water......eat! drink! and you will hunger & thirst no more! "Jesus said to them, 'I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst. " -Jn 6:35.The Prophet Jeremiah's cry was 'Stop drinking the world's dirty empty jugs of water that can not fill you when you could drink from the fountain of living water'. I told these guys what the bible says about them: That their spiritually dead, blind, slaves to their sins and cannot see the beauty & glory of Christ. That is whats stopping them and amazingly Brandon & Nick agreed with me?!!!! They said they know they're sinners and would go to hell if they died, so all I could do was tell them to just repent & trust Christ. Come as you are, let God clean you up. Even Christians on their best day deserve to go to hell (no one is good enough to deserve heaven) only trust in the person & work of Jesus Christ.
I think God really blessed His Word preached because it seemed at least theses two guys were rocked by us just lifting up Christ. We just proclaim Christ crucified and resurrected and hope the Spirit will convict and draw men to repentance. I pray and hope to see Brandon & Nick in heaven one day. Lord do this for Your own name sake.
Wow! Is that hard for you to believe? Well its true and only points to the glorious truth: Men are great sinners who are in need of Christ the great & only savior! Knowing these truths leave me absolutely helpless & hopeless when I share the gospel with the lost. I cannot hope that they would see Christ as beautiful because they're blinded by Satan. I cannot hope that they would invite Jesus into their hearts because they hate Him & love the darkness. I cannot hope that they would submit to Christ because they don't have the moral ability. All I can hope for is that through the preaching of the gospel God would send the Holy Spirit to convict them of their sins, regenerate them with a new heart, open their spiritual eyes & ears and raise them from the dead unto life in Christ!
Michael the apostate
I witnessed to a young man named Michael, who 'tried' to be a Christian but after many years of frustration he decided he was an athiest. It took a while to break down some walls but I finally got him to understand that repenting & trusting in Christ is not merely an intellectual decision but a supernatural work of God in a persons heart. Where a man is now spiritually raised from the dead (regenerated) and transformed into a new creature with a new heart that loves this God who he formerly ignored & hated. Michael admitted that he had broken God's law, was gulity & deserving of hell and even understood the work of Christ on the cross (absorbing the wrath that we deserve as sinners). But then he said an amazing comment, "Sure I can believe, & I have in the past, this stuff about Jesus in my mind but I can't make my heart love him when I don't! I don't believe it in my heart and I don't think I should have too." Wow, this backs up everything the bible says about the lost and this comment affirms why I'm a calvinist. I told him my hope is that he would consider our talk seriously and that God would open his eyes to repent & believe the gospel of Christ.
Athiests who prove the Bible
I witnessed to a group of 6 teens who were very hostile and angry with the gospel message. For one, they thought God was unjust to send 'good' people in other religions & unreached tribesmen to hell if they don't believe in Christ. I explained that people don't go to hell just because the don't believe in Christ (the devil believes in Christ!) but rather people go to hell because they're sinners. Men may try to do good works to earn their way to heaven but what about all the sins they've commited in their lives? Is God just going to over look those? Never, God is completly holy & just, therefore he will not look over any sins but all sins will be punished. For example, if a man commits a crime & is guilty but says to the judge, 'what about all the other good things I've done in my life?' The judge will say thats good but you must still pay for the crime you've commited. It may seem noble to do good works but God demands perfection & the only way we can be perfect is if Christ pays for our sins (through his death) and we get his perfection/righteousness through faith. They went on to say that I was arrogant to claim Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. But I told them that the message of the cross is foolishness & offensive to them because they are spiritually blind & dead. I pleaded with them to repent but they only buckled against the gospel.
I knew this night of evangelism with the Jude 23 Network was going to be full of great witnessing & even hostile people....why? well before I hit the streets, my daily bible reading led me to Ezekiel 2, where God appoints Ezekiel to preach to a rebellious people. God gave him the Word which he was to proclaim (whether people listened or not). God told him not to fear the people, God also empowered him with the Spirit and told him only to preach the Word which he received. This sounds alot like Paul in (1 Cor. 15:1-4). That's our duty.... better yet, our privilage...to depend on God, empowered by the Spirit to go out into the world (Bardstown Rd.) and preach the gospel which we've recieved & have been saved by.
Propitiation? Most Christians don't know what this means, well you should because its one of the most important things God did on the believers behalf. Propitiation means that (for all Christians) when Jesus was on the cross he satisfied the wrath of God and paid the just penalty for sin that God demands. Thats right, rejoice! Sin must be dealt with but God himself, on the believer's behalf, vindicated his justice & justified the sinner by condemning Christ in our place. So whats that have to do with Bardstown Rd? Well I had a great witness with two guys named Adam & Nick. I took them through the law and then to their just punishment (hell) and then began to explained the work of Christ on the cross. I said, "just as on earth when you break a law you must be punished, Christ went to the cross and".......then an amazing thing happened! Adam's eyes opened and he looked at me and said, "Christ paid our punishment for sinning". Yes! Yes! Yes! I yelled...inside my head. They seem to really 'get it', I just pray that they biblically repent & believe in Christ. I gave them some materials & tracts, I hope that seed fell on good soil. And by the way, no, I didn't have them repeat 'the sinner's prayer', I just told them to repent...like Jesus did.
Mr. 502 (rapper) I also witnessed to Donny, a young aspiring christian rapper (or at least a professing Christian). As we talked I could tell he had a Christian backround but he was very unsure & shaky about his faith. Its all the same to me, I took him through the law then explained the gospel. I really think it helped Donny alot, he was very thankful for our conversation. As we were exchanging emails, he gave me his demo CD and told me he raps. He said alot of people get offended by what he says but he felt he needs to appeal to the world so that they'll listen to to him. I told Donny to be careful, without holiness no one sees God & a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. I'm dealing with a local pastor here in louisville right now on this issue. He uses worldly-sensual marketing schemes (even pornography) to advertise his sermons & church. We are to reach the world but not be like the world. The world doesn't need to be affirmed, they need to be told to repent, deny themselves & follow Christ.
Its a joy to herald His gospel & tell sinners of the glory of Christ. Christians I hope you pray with me for more laborers to be raised up. People want joy and to treasure something that will satisfy them....they're just dead in sins and looking for it in bars, clubs, movies & malls. Let's go to them outside our safe church walls & be the church! "So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth." (1 Cor. 3:7). These are individuals I had a chance to witness to & will be praying for:
-Derek & Jay (believed in a God but had no knowledge of who He is) -James (soft heart, great witness) -Alex (agnostic, made him really think) -headband kid (really made him think despite his mocking friends) -Amy (Lesbian) -James (homeless guy) -Donny aka Mr. 502(shaky with his faith but wants to rap for Christ) -Nick & Adam (They seemed very convicted & understanding of Christ's work on the cross) -Alley/Audrey/Lori (teens who never considered eternal consequences until today) & many others that I gave gospel tracts too!
Be ready at all times, in & out of season, to share the gospel…the hope that is within us… that allows us to live the way we SHOULD live. The ‘hope’ in Christ as our future reward, biblically, should help us overcome the fear of death, sacrifice comforts for the good of others, boldly share the gospel to the lost, forgive, grow in holiness, forsake worldly pleasures, etc. This hope compels me to examine my life & heart before God’s word to check myself as well as my motives. Paul exhorts us to be ready at all times to share the gospel; this doesn’t just mean have your testimony ready or an organized evangelism plan. It means live it out; when no one is looking & when its not always convenient.
One way God has helped me ‘live out’ my walk is through meaningful prayer with purpose. I do pray for opportunities to serve & share the gospel but what about those blown or missed opportunities that happen many times? There is a homeless man I have seen all over town, especially within a few miles of where I live. I’ve seen him asking for money at stop lights, walking everywhere and I think I even saw him downtown once. Well I drove past him at a stop light not long ago & decided to pray for him, for his soul & that, Lord willing, I may get to share the gospel with him.
A few days ago Amanda & I rented “The end of the spear” and as we walked out of the store there he was!!! The homeless man I prayed for was in my grill asking for change! I ran to my car and got a dollar & a tract and was so excited to be able to finally share the gospel with this man. His name was Phillip too, he listened intently as I witnessed to him and I pointed to my church (which was down the street) and invited him to come. The commission is to ‘go’ but be ready if God sends them to you.
Pray for Phillip, not that he gets more change but that he would be changed….in Christ. That he would repent & believe the gospel…so that the Lamb would receive His reward.
A few oxymoron's ran through my head on Independence Day. The first is why do we celebrate freedom (through winning battles & wars) only to harm our own selves with fire works? I’m mean I like fireworks but I wonder what the statistics are on how many limbs & even lives are lost for the sake of fireworks & entertainment? I think it’s a true oxymoron to have to blow up things & fight wars so that we can only harm ourselves from within. Anyway, I’m thankful for the country I live in, the blood that was shed for my daily freedoms I so easily take for granted, like the freedom to share the gospel. But as I see how American leaders & citizens celebrate our flag and independence I can’t help but think of their complete dependence….on God for every single breathe & heart beat. With the utmost respect to those who have served this country I say this:
The American flag can be such an idol (even to believers) how many millions will reverence it, fight for it and even die for it above the cause of Christ among the nations? Dying for our country is commendable but not when it replaces one’s desire & devotion to lay our lives down for King Jesus above all else. You’ll never see the world praising one who desires to give His life up for the gospel, but how many shows, articles, ads are there praising a troop? My point is this: ANYTHING that goes above God or draws our affections away from God to it or has our loyalty to it above our loyalty to Christ is pure idolatry.
I want to celebrate Independence Day by declaring my absolute dependence on God, His Word and the work & person of Jesus Christ as my atonement. Not just my citizenship in a free country but my citizenship in a land who’s Maker is God. Not just any freedoms but now the freedom from sin, death and the law. Not just being born in the land of the free but being born of God, in Christ, to enjoy Him as my treasure for all of eternity. I hope all Christians don’t settle but look at all things in this life as a means to the ultimate end, a shadow of what is to come. The chief end & purpose of all man is to glorify God and enjoy Him….not fireworks, not flags, not watermelon, not country or even family.
True freedom only comes in Christ, apart from Christ we may be free to roam on this earth but the chains of sin still holds in a prison awaiting the final righteous judgment of God. Good news, while we are yet sinners Christ died for us! He didn’t die like us (we deserve death because of our sinfulness), He was sinless so He died in our place as our sin-bearer (taking our punishment of sin upon Himself). As Jesus hung on the cross He satisfied the wrath of God & justice was served for those who would turn from their sins (repent) & trust in Him alone. Jesus rose from the dead 3 days later proving to the world that He alone defeated death & by no other name can we be saved. Dependence day on Christ will be the greatest day of one’s life.
The providence of Godmay be defined as His guardianship and care for His creatures and creation. Also, any manifestation of such care may be described as providence.
The Sovereignty of God is the biblical teaching that all things are under God's rule and control, and that nothing happens without His direction or permission. God works not just some things but all things according to the counsel of His own will (see Eph. 1:11). His purposes are all-inclusive and never thwarted (see Isa. 46:11); nothing takes Him by surprise. The sovereignty of God is not merely that God has the power and right to govern all things, but that He does so, always and without exception. In other words, God is not merely sovereign dejure (in principle), but sovereign de facto (in practice).
God’s providence should be the Christian’s courage and God’s sovereignty should be the Christian’s confidence to endure life's unpredictable valleys, trials & struggles. This past weekend I encountered, what some may call, a divine appointment. But first lets back up…I was exhausted after a long night of street witnessing. At 7:30am the next morning I plan on going to Asbury College with my bud, Brian , for a FCA camp & hear fellow street evangelist Mark Cahill speak….I’m pumped, but very tired. I fall asleep on the couch as Amanda watches a movie & eventually wake up to my cell phone ringing! It’s Brian & its 7:55am!!! Long story short, I’m still out of it, my ride back to Louisville fell through at the last minute and the trip is officially cancelled.
No fear God’s providence is near Later that afternoon I took a jog around my hood & was flagged down by some neighbors who have known me since I was a baby (despite never actually talking to me-just my grandmother). One thing led to another and before you know it we’re talking about God, His sovereignty & they’re son who recently passed away. They were very precious people and I was deeply touched to see their confidence in God and His Word to sustain them as they cope with the loss of their son. After a time of fellowship I prayed for them…and we finished with a sweet silence.
As I began to leave they told me how they needed some encouragement and just happen to come outside and saw me running by. I told them I was supposed to be at Asbury college for a camp. We both agreed God was behind our meeting and he truly does care for His own. Proverbs 20:24 says, “A man’s steps are from the LORD; how then can man understand his way?” It is a mind-blowing and amazing mystery to know that behind all of our decisions God is working all things to an ultimate end & purpose. The fact that my jog & these neighbors going out to get some fresh air is a fulfillment of Phil 2:13 "for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure."
In the Christian’s life it is awesome to know that He is working all things out for His glory and our eternal good, even when we can’t see or understand why things happen the way they do. This is our comfort when the storm comes, suffering comes, persecution comes or even when death comes. I know that God is for me now, He has reconciled me to himself through the cross of Christ. All my wrath has been satisfied and removed so all that’s left for me is God’s love, mercy & grace…it won’t always be a bubbly sweet love but it will be an everlasting & sustaining love for all my struggles. Maybe this is why, “When the whirlwind passes, the wicked is no more, but the righteous has an everlasting foundation.”(Proverbs 10:25) God’s love doesn’t always remove pain but it does sustains us to know Him greater through it. We praise You God because only You are sovereign and have the freedom to do what seems good to You.
After praying through the Word and arriving around 5:00 I was comforted by the verse I had wrote down and placed in my back pocket (1 Pet. 4:12-14). Peter is writing to persecuted Christians and encouraging them to embrace and persevere through their various hardships. His encouragement is not to pray that God would take away discomfort and pain because we're Christians but rather to expect persecution, trails & hardships. Peter assures all believers who are faithful to the gospel will have many tough times but God's Spirit will rest upon us and pull us through for His glory & our eternal joy! So for me, I could say to myself, "If tonight someone spit on me, slapped me, cursed me out or even tried to kill me because I was proclaiming the gospel I could rejoice...Why? because tonight Jesus could break through the clouds and vindicate me or because I had the honor to partake in His sufferings my reward to come is unspeakably great." Its a win/win baby.
So with all this said, lets go back to the streets [the scene]- sunny day, bars are open, the weekend begins and sinners come out to sin....... [Enter gospel preaching] I got to speak with many people tonight and no one really stood out but I got many different responses and opinions. The quote of the night was, "That's your interpretation" refering to the reality of hell or the gospel. One couple I witnessed to believed in heaven and that all go there after death and hell is not real. I explained that hell made perfect sense, we've rebelled and sinned against God and His law (10 commandments) therefore we deserve the punishment (hell) for offending our creator and breaking his law. The guy seem to agree but the girl pulled out the ol' "that's your intrepretation." She said she believed in what the bible said but her authority on the issue was of course herself, not the Bible, so I explained God's justice in punishing sinners and righteousness in condemning His Son on the cross for sin. I let her know that she had just broken the 2nd commandment by creating a god(idol) in her mind that allowed her to live in sin without punishing sin in hell. Off to the bars they went proving what it says in Romans 1:18 , that men suppress the truth with their life of sin & wickedness.
My wife and I celebrated our one year anniversary at Pensacola Beach, FL! We enjoyed each other, God's beautiful creation and even got to share the gospel. Here are a few events where God was so gracious to us:
Tracts in the Highlands, Highlands in Pensacola?
I go out with the Jude 23 Network every Friday to pass out tracts and share the gospel in the Highlands. Its a small world because our waiter at a restaurant told us he lived behind the Wick's Pizza in the Highlands and had just moved to Pensacola a month ago. It was busy but we were able to tip him well and give him a gospel tract in hopes that God will bless His Word. I guess you can take the tracts away from the Highlands but you can't take the Highlands away from the tracts!? or something like that.
WHATAGOSPEL AT WHATABURGER My wife and I were enjoying awesome burgers at WHATABURGER when we noticed a homeless man digging in the parking lot garbage for something to eat. I thought of Luke 12:13-14"But when you give a reception, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, since they do not have the means to repay you; for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous." As we finished up my wife asked him if he wanted something to eat and he replied "yes!" he was very hungry. As my wife bought his burger and coke I started to get to know him, his name was Al and he was originally from Oklahoma. Al said he reads the bible and most people today (including religious) look down at hime and have got it all wrong, "God is love" he exclaimed. I agreed and told Al that God's love providentially brought me to him, so that I could feed him and share the gospel with him (all the way from Kentucky!). In my opinion, I explained, he was in a better position then most rich people in the surrounding beach homes.....Al then looked at me puzzled.....this is because he has no treasures on this earth to keep him from treasuring the most valuable treasure in the universe, CHRIST! Most the people around us are so busy storing up treasures on earth that will one day perish with them but Al has no one/anything in this life, so I pleaded with him to cling to Christ. I thanked Al for allowing us to feed him and encouraged him to look to Christ alone and to read the gospel tract we gave Him. What a privilege it is to dine with the down cast and rejected of this world... its like following in the footsteps of our humble King.
My FATHER'S providence on father's day I thank God for the father He gave me on this earth, I love him and pray for him always. On our way home from Pensacola we got a flat tire in the middle of Alabama late at night. I was able to make it to a gas station where I had the opportunity to impress my wife and earn a "manly notch" in my belt by changing the tire all by myself. Well I was having a little trouble and a nice man named Allen ask me if he could help. I humbly replied "I think I can get it" not knowing God had sent this man to me. Allen pulled his truck up next to me and said "Man I do this for a living" as he quickly took over and jacked my car up and did his best "one man NASCAR pit crew" impression. He changed my tire in a jiffy and I was so thankful to God for this nice gentleman. I talked to him for a little bit and then gave him a few dollars and a gospel tract. I don't know exactly why everything happens but I truly believe I got that flat to give that tract to Allen.