Tracts in the Highlands, Highlands in Pensacola?
I go out with the Jude 23 Network every Friday to pass out tracts and share the gospel in the Highlands. Its a small world because our waiter at a restaurant told us he lived behind the Wick's Pizza in the Highlands and had just moved to Pensacola a month ago. It was busy but we were able to tip him well and give him a gospel tract in hopes that God will bless His Word. I guess you can take the tracts away from the Highlands but you can't take the Highlands away from the tracts!? or something like that.

My wife and I were enjoying awesome burgers at WHATABURGER when we noticed a homeless man digging in the parking lot garbage for something to eat. I thought of Luke 12:13-14 "But when you give a reception, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, since they do not have the means to repay you; for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous." As we finished up my wife asked him if he wanted something to eat and he replied "yes!" he was very hungry. As my wife bought his burger and coke I started to get to know him, his name was Al and he was originally from Oklahoma. Al said he reads the bible and most people today (including religious) look down at hime and have got it all wrong, "God is love" he exclaimed. I agreed and told Al that God's love providentially brought me to him, so that I could feed him and share the gospel with him (all the way from Kentucky!). In my opinion, I explained, he was in a better position then most rich people in the surrounding beach homes.....Al then looked at me puzzled.....this is because he has no treasures on this earth to keep him from treasuring the most valuable treasure in the universe, CHRIST! Most the people around us are so busy storing up treasures on earth that will one day perish with them but Al has no one/anything in this life, so I pleaded with him to cling to Christ. I thanked Al for allowing us to feed him and encouraged him to look to Christ alone and to read the gospel tract we gave Him. What a privilege it is to dine with the down cast and rejected of this world... its like following in the footsteps of our humble King.
My FATHER'S providence on father's day
I thank God for the father He gave me on this earth, I love him and pray for him always. On our way home from Pensacola we got a flat tire in the middle of Alabama late at night. I was able to make it to a gas station where I had the opportunity to impress my wife and earn a "manly notch" in my belt by changing the tire all by myself. Well I was having a little trouble and a nice man named Allen ask me if he could help. I humbly replied "I think I can get it" not knowing God had sent this man to me. Allen pulled his truck up next to me and said "Man I do this for a living" as he quickly took over and jacked my car up and did his best "one man NASCAR pit crew" impression. He changed my tire in a jiffy and I was so thankful to God for this nice gentleman. I talked to him for a little bit and then gave him a few dollars and a gospel tract. I don't know exactly why everything happens but I truly believe I got that flat to give that tract to Allen.
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