Well Amanda & I have been in Wilmore, KY for over a week and are really enjoying the area. I've got to hang out with my new coach at Asbury College, Will Shouse, and I'm really excited about the upcoming season. Amanda and I are going to Wellington Church tomorrow so we're pretty excited about that. I actually went out to eat with their youth pastor, Blake, a few days ago and had a great time of fellowship and getting to know him a little better. The campus and parks out here are beautiful....it truly is 'Mayberry, USA' out here.
Yesterday my pastor from Auburndale Baptist Church & His whole family came up to visit us. Amanda & I had such a good time with them & their kids. I already miss them & Auburndale Baptist Church. I'm ready to start working out with the basketball team and hit the books hard. I can't believe I'm here to finish my degree and play basketball at Asbury College....crazy! God is faithful and good to his children, I know I don't deserve this. I'm sure these next few years are going to fly by. In the mean time I'll stay on my knees in God's Word and work hard for God's glory at whatever I put my hand too.
As far as evangelism....its kind of different out here. Everybodies 'churched'? I told Amanda 'its like moral town, USA out here'. Nothing like street evangelism on Bardstown Road with the Jude 23 Network. I may have to go into Lexington to find a more diverse spot. I'll just pray for grace to witness to those God brings along my path. But one encouraging witness encounter I had back in Louisville seems to have developed into something. A few weeks ago the Lord open the door for me to share the gospel with a former teammate from high school. He seemed to really take to heart our conversation so I gave him Mark Cahill's book, "One heartbeat away" and just prayed that God would move in His heart.
I got an email from him the first day I got to Wilmore that really encouraged me. He told me he's been reading the bible and has nearly finished 'One heartbeat away' and its blowing his mind. He had a few great questions about the faith and said he had been thinking about spiritual things but nothing really clicked until I witnessed to him and gave him the book. I'm praying that God will open his eyes and I've told him that God requires everything from him with the offer of eternal life & a cross. For now I asked him to read the parable of the soils in Luke 8 so that he understands his situation. 3 out of 4 people heard the word and fell away, but only one soil heard, understood & then produced fruit. I don't want this young man to fall away and decieve himself, I want him to repent & believe the gospel.
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