The providence of God may be defined as His guardianship and care for His creatures and creation. Also, any manifestation of such care may be described as providence.
The Sovereignty of God is the biblical teaching that all things are under God's rule and control, and that nothing happens without His direction or permission. God works not just some things but all things according to the counsel of His own will (see Eph. 1:11). His purposes are all-inclusive and never thwarted (see Isa. 46:11); nothing takes Him by surprise. The sovereignty of God is not merely that God has the power and right to govern all things, but that He does so, always and without exception. In other words, God is not merely sovereign de jure (in principle), but sovereign de facto (in practice).
God’s providence should be the Christian’s courage and God’s sovereignty should be the Christian’s confidence to endure life's unpredictable valleys, trials & struggles. This past weekend I encountered, what some may call, a divine appointment. But first lets back up…I was exhausted after a long night of street witnessing. At 7:30am the next morning I plan on going to Asbury College with my bud, Brian , for a FCA camp & hear fellow street evangelist Mark Cahill speak….I’m pumped, but very tired. I fall asleep on the couch as Amanda watches a movie & eventually wake up to my cell phone ringing! It’s Brian & its 7:55am!!! Long story short, I’m still out of it, my ride back to Louisville fell through at the last minute and the trip is officially cancelled.
No fear God’s providence is near
Later that afternoon I took a jog around my hood & was flagged down by some neighbors who have known me since I was a baby (despite never actually talking to me-just my grandmother). One thing led to another and before you know it we’re talking about God, His sovereignty & they’re son who recently passed away. They were very precious people and I was deeply touched to see their confidence in God and His Word to sustain them as they cope with the loss of their son. After a time of fellowship I prayed for them…and we finished with a sweet silence.
As I began to leave they told me how they needed some encouragement and just happen to come outside and saw me running by. I told them I was supposed to be at Asbury college for a camp. We both agreed God was behind our meeting and he truly does care for His own. Proverbs 20:24 says, “A man’s steps are from the LORD; how then can man understand his way?” It is a mind-blowing and amazing mystery to know that behind all of our decisions God is working all things to an ultimate end & purpose. The fact that my jog & these neighbors going out to get some fresh air is a fulfillment of Phil 2:13 "for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure."
In the Christian’s life it is awesome to know that He is working all things out for His glory and our eternal good, even when we can’t see or understand why things happen the way they do. This is our comfort when the storm comes, suffering comes, persecution comes or even when death comes. I know that God is for me now, He has reconciled me to himself through the cross of Christ. All my wrath has been satisfied and removed so all that’s left for me is God’s love, mercy & grace…it won’t always be a bubbly sweet love but it will be an everlasting & sustaining love for all my struggles. Maybe this is why, “When the whirlwind passes, the wicked is no more, but the righteous has an everlasting foundation.” (Proverbs 10:25) God’s love doesn’t always remove pain but it does sustains us to know Him greater through it. We praise You God because only You are sovereign and have the freedom to do what seems good to You.
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