After a passionate pursuit to know & treasure Christ, preaching the gospel is the greatest most satisfying blessing this side of heaven. I've shared the gospel many places and with many people but I've never had the opportunity to go into a high security prison and preach the gospel. That was until the Lord used basketball to open a door for his glory. On tues. I played a pre-season game with my team (Asbury) against Northpoint prison. The whole experience was awesome.
It was pretty intimidating when we arrived. We went through many barb wired fences, checkpoints, and met cool correction officers. As we walked through the courtyard to the gym we received lazier stares and comments from prisoners. When we entered the gym it was loud, hostile and packed......I loved it. The court was caged in so imagine a cross between nba jam and street fighter. The prison team consisted of hyped-up, athletic brothers ready to throw down.....this was going to be fun.
I prayed over the game and then we tipped off. We came out hot and got the prisoner's in the gym all hyped up...(I was talking a little bit to the crowd but it was all in fun). The game was fast and intense, lots 3's, lots of cross overs, lots of nice moves, and one sweet dunk by Jordan Hammond. We had the game but it slipped away in the final minutes as the prison beat us 98-94. Our guys never backed down but it was all in the Lord's hands. If we would have won those prisoner's would have been fighting & cursing each other out. They would have never listened to me share the gospel. Both teams gathered together as my Coach said a few words and then handed it over to me.
I knew I only had one shot with these guys and wanted to glorify God and lovingly speak eternal truths to these men who need hope. So I trusted in Christ that he would make himself known to the prisoners and my team through a broken and unworthy vessel. I wanted these guys to consider their soul and its worth and view themselves in light of God's standards not mans. I let them know we're all in the same boat, we're all in a prison waiting to die and stand before God in judgment. That this judgment would be of righteousness and that God will punish every sin and not accept anything less than perfect.
So I took them through God's law to expose our sinfulness, the filth that's hidden deep in our hearts that will leave us condemned and hopeless. The prisoner's minds really started turning when i said 10 out of 10 people die and we're all going to have to face this judgment. our only hope is that the God who will judge us would be the same one who show us mercy and provides a Savior to rescue us from the wrath we deserve. I then unfolded the glorious gospel, that Christ was the sinless man who died to as a perfect sacrifice for our sins. To pay the penalty we deserve and than grant us his righteousness through faith. Repent and believe the gospel.
The prisoners really embraced me afterwards, they said they'd be discussing what i said with each other. One guy said he was going to be reading his bible and I encouraged him to trust in the person and work of Christ for sinners not in what he is going to try to do in his own will power.
It was an amazing experience, I know I'm unworthy to speak of Christ but I'm so humbled to think God may of used me to draw some struggling men to himself. I hope to see some of those guys one day in heaven.
Here's a link to an article written in the jessamine journal about this event: "RAZOR WIRE, BASKETBALL AND FAITH"
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