I knew this night of evangelism with the Jude 23 Network was going to be full of great witnessing & even hostile people....why? well before I hit the streets, my daily bible reading led me to Ezekiel 2, where God appoints Ezekiel to preach to a rebellious people. God gave him the Word which he was to proclaim (whether people listened or not). God told him not to fear the people, God also empowered him with the Spirit and told him only to preach the Word which he received. This sounds alot like Paul in (1 Cor. 15:1-4). That's our duty.... better yet, our privilage...to depend on God, empowered by the Spirit to go out into the world (Bardstown Rd.) and preach the gospel which we've recieved & have been saved by.
Most Christians don't know what this means, well you should because its one of the most important things God did on the believers behalf. Propitiation means that (for all Christians) when Jesus was on the cross he satisfied the wrath of God and paid the just penalty for sin that God demands. Thats right, rejoice! Sin must be dealt with but God himself, on the believer's behalf, vindicated his justice & justified the sinner by condemning Christ in our place. So whats that have to do with Bardstown Rd? Well I had a great witness with two guys named Adam & Nick. I took them through the law and then to their just punishment (hell) and then began to explained the work of Christ on the cross. I said, "just as on earth when you break a law you must be punished, Christ went to the cross and".......then an amazing thing happened! Adam's eyes opened and he looked at me and said, "Christ paid our punishment for sinning". Yes! Yes! Yes! I yelled...inside my head. They seem to really 'get it', I just pray that they biblically repent & believe in Christ. I gave them some materials & tracts, I hope that seed fell on good soil. And by the way, no, I didn't have them repeat 'the sinner's prayer', I just told them to repent...like Jesus did.
Mr. 502 (rapper)
I also witnessed to Donny, a young aspiring christian rapper (or at least a professing Christian). As we talked I could tell he had a Christian backround but he was very unsure & shaky about his faith. Its all the same to me, I took him through the law then explained the gospel. I really think it helped Donny alot, he was very thankful for our conversation. As we were exchanging emails, he gave me his demo CD and told me he raps. He said alot of people get offended by what he says but he felt he needs to appeal to the world so that they'll listen to to him. I told Donny to be careful, without holiness no one sees God & a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. I'm dealing with a local pastor here in louisville right now on this issue. He uses worldly-sensual marketing schemes (even pornography) to advertise his sermons & church. We are to reach the world but not be like the world. The world doesn't need to be affirmed, they need to be told to repent, deny themselves & follow Christ.
Its a joy to herald His gospel & tell sinners of the glory of Christ. Christians I hope you pray with me for more laborers to be raised up. People want joy and to treasure something that will satisfy them....they're just dead in sins and looking for it in bars, clubs, movies & malls. Let's go to them outside our safe church walls & be the church! "So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth." (1 Cor. 3:7). These are individuals I had a chance to witness to & will be praying for:
-Derek & Jay (believed in a God but had no knowledge of who He is)
-James (soft heart, great witness)
-Alex (agnostic, made him really think)
-headband kid (really made him think despite his mocking friends)
-Amy (Lesbian)
-James (homeless guy)
-Donny aka Mr. 502(shaky with his faith but wants to rap for Christ)
-Nick & Adam (They seemed very convicted & understanding of Christ's work on the cross)
-Alley/Audrey/Lori (teens who never considered eternal consequences until today)
& many others that I gave gospel tracts too!
Most Christians don't know what this means, well you should because its one of the most important things God did on the believers behalf. Propitiation means that (for all Christians) when Jesus was on the cross he satisfied the wrath of God and paid the just penalty for sin that God demands. Thats right, rejoice! Sin must be dealt with but God himself, on the believer's behalf, vindicated his justice & justified the sinner by condemning Christ in our place. So whats that have to do with Bardstown Rd? Well I had a great witness with two guys named Adam & Nick. I took them through the law and then to their just punishment (hell) and then began to explained the work of Christ on the cross. I said, "just as on earth when you break a law you must be punished, Christ went to the cross and".......then an amazing thing happened! Adam's eyes opened and he looked at me and said, "Christ paid our punishment for sinning". Yes! Yes! Yes! I yelled...inside my head. They seem to really 'get it', I just pray that they biblically repent & believe in Christ. I gave them some materials & tracts, I hope that seed fell on good soil. And by the way, no, I didn't have them repeat 'the sinner's prayer', I just told them to repent...like Jesus did.
Mr. 502 (rapper)
I also witnessed to Donny, a young aspiring christian rapper (or at least a professing Christian). As we talked I could tell he had a Christian backround but he was very unsure & shaky about his faith. Its all the same to me, I took him through the law then explained the gospel. I really think it helped Donny alot, he was very thankful for our conversation. As we were exchanging emails, he gave me his demo CD and told me he raps. He said alot of people get offended by what he says but he felt he needs to appeal to the world so that they'll listen to to him. I told Donny to be careful, without holiness no one sees God & a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. I'm dealing with a local pastor here in louisville right now on this issue. He uses worldly-sensual marketing schemes (even pornography) to advertise his sermons & church. We are to reach the world but not be like the world. The world doesn't need to be affirmed, they need to be told to repent, deny themselves & follow Christ.
Its a joy to herald His gospel & tell sinners of the glory of Christ. Christians I hope you pray with me for more laborers to be raised up. People want joy and to treasure something that will satisfy them....they're just dead in sins and looking for it in bars, clubs, movies & malls. Let's go to them outside our safe church walls & be the church! "So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth." (1 Cor. 3:7). These are individuals I had a chance to witness to & will be praying for:
-Derek & Jay (believed in a God but had no knowledge of who He is)
-James (soft heart, great witness)
-Alex (agnostic, made him really think)
-headband kid (really made him think despite his mocking friends)
-Amy (Lesbian)
-James (homeless guy)
-Donny aka Mr. 502(shaky with his faith but wants to rap for Christ)
-Nick & Adam (They seemed very convicted & understanding of Christ's work on the cross)
-Alley/Audrey/Lori (teens who never considered eternal consequences until today)
& many others that I gave gospel tracts too!
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