
Celebrating Dependence on Independence Day

A few oxymoron's ran through my head on Independence Day. The first is why do we celebrate freedom (through winning battles & wars) only to harm our own selves with fire works? I’m mean I like fireworks but I wonder what the statistics are on how many limbs & even lives are lost for the sake of fireworks & entertainment? I think it’s a true oxymoron to have to blow up things & fight wars so that we can only harm ourselves from within. Anyway, I’m thankful for the country I live in, the blood that was shed for my daily freedoms I so easily take for granted, like the freedom to share the gospel. But as I see how American leaders & citizens celebrate our flag and independence I can’t help but think of their complete dependence….on God for every single breathe & heart beat. With the utmost respect to those who have served this country I say this:

The American flag can be such an idol (even to believers) how many millions will reverence it, fight for it and even die for it above the cause of Christ among the nations? Dying for our country is commendable but not when it replaces one’s desire & devotion to lay our lives down for King Jesus above all else. You’ll never see the world praising one who desires to give His life up for the gospel, but how many shows, articles, ads are there praising a troop? My point is this: ANYTHING that goes above God or draws our affections away from God to it or has our loyalty to it above our loyalty to Christ is pure idolatry.

I want to celebrate Independence Day by declaring my absolute dependence on God, His Word and the work & person of Jesus Christ as my atonement. Not just my citizenship in a free country but my citizenship in a land who’s Maker is God. Not just any freedoms but now the freedom from sin, death and the law. Not just being born in the land of the free but being born of God, in Christ, to enjoy Him as my treasure for all of eternity. I hope all Christians don’t settle but look at all things in this life as a means to the ultimate end, a shadow of what is to come. The chief end & purpose of all man is to glorify God and enjoy Him….not fireworks, not flags, not watermelon, not country or even family.

True freedom only comes in Christ, apart from Christ we may be free to roam on this earth but the chains of sin still holds in a prison awaiting the final righteous judgment of God. Good news, while we are yet sinners Christ died for us! He didn’t die like us (we deserve death because of our sinfulness), He was sinless so He died in our place as our sin-bearer (taking our punishment of sin upon Himself). As Jesus hung on the cross He satisfied the wrath of God & justice was served for those who would turn from their sins (repent) & trust in Him alone. Jesus rose from the dead 3 days later proving to the world that He alone defeated death & by no other name can we be saved. Dependence day on Christ will be the greatest day of one’s life.

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