According to the bible all lost-unregenerate men are:
Wow! Is that hard for you to believe? Well its true and only points to the glorious truth: Men are great sinners who are in need of Christ the great & only savior! Knowing these truths leave me absolutely helpless & hopeless when I share the gospel with the lost. I cannot hope that they would see Christ as beautiful because they're blinded by Satan. I cannot hope that they would invite Jesus into their hearts because they hate Him & love the darkness. I cannot hope that they would submit to Christ because they don't have the moral ability. All I can hope for is that through the preaching of the gospel God would send the Holy Spirit to convict them of their sins, regenerate them with a new heart, open their spiritual eyes & ears and raise them from the dead unto life in Christ!
Michael the apostate
I witnessed to a young man named Michael, who 'tried' to be a Christian but after many years of frustration he decided he was an athiest. It took a while to break down some walls but I finally got him to understand that repenting & trusting in Christ is not merely an intellectual decision but a supernatural work of God in a persons heart. Where a man is now spiritually raised from the dead (regenerated) and transformed into a new creature with a new heart that loves this God who he formerly ignored & hated. Michael admitted that he had broken God's law, was gulity & deserving of hell and even understood the work of Christ on the cross (absorbing the wrath that we deserve as sinners). But then he said an amazing comment, "Sure I can believe, & I have in the past, this stuff about Jesus in my mind but I can't make my heart love him when I don't! I don't believe it in my heart and I don't think I should have too." Wow, this backs up everything the bible says about the lost and this comment affirms why I'm a calvinist. I told him my hope is that he would consider our talk seriously and that God would open his eyes to repent & believe the gospel of Christ.
Athiests who prove the Bible
I witnessed to a group of 6 teens who were very hostile and angry with the gospel message. For one, they thought God was unjust to send 'good' people in other religions & unreached tribesmen to hell if they don't believe in Christ. I explained that people don't go to hell just because the don't believe in Christ (the devil believes in Christ!) but rather people go to hell because they're sinners. Men may try to do good works to earn their way to heaven but what about all the sins they've commited in their lives? Is God just going to over look those? Never, God is completly holy & just, therefore he will not look over any sins but all sins will be punished. For example, if a man commits a crime & is guilty but says to the judge, 'what about all the other good things I've done in my life?' The judge will say thats good but you must still pay for the crime you've commited. It may seem noble to do good works but God demands perfection & the only way we can be perfect is if Christ pays for our sins (through his death) and we get his perfection/righteousness through faith. They went on to say that I was arrogant to claim Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. But I told them that the message of the cross is foolishness & offensive to them because they are spiritually blind & dead. I pleaded with them to repent but they only buckled against the gospel.
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