"Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously,defend the rights of the poor and needy." -Prov. 31:8-9
One thing that really upsets & deeply hurts me is the thought that around 115,000 unborn children are murdered everyday (that's around 5,000 every hour!). At one point my wife was an unborn child & I thank God everyday for her life.... at one point every human being was in the womb. David says in Psalms 139, "For you(God) formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." God wonderfully made each beautiful child in the womb (we can't imagine the love God has for each child) & how do you think He feels about the daily genocide of unborn babies? The Bible is clear that He is angry with the wicked everyday & his wrath abides upon those who participate in this (and all sinful acts). But there is hope....
Hope is found in Jesus Christ that is why many come out to the Abortion Clinic every Saturday to pray, preach, and offer other options to the woman considering abortion. God commands Christians to open their mouth for those who cannot speak for themselves and are destitute. Our country is systematically & barbarically murdering unborn children daily by tearing them limb from limb (seriously watch an abortion video). I can't see how you can possibly suppress the truth of this wickedness & sin that is considered okay in this country. But not me, no sir I will pray & preach the gospel in hopes that those who participate in this evil turn from their sins & come to God who is ready to forgive. I will preach the gospel to those who volunteer to be "Clinic Escorts" they support abortion & escort women into the clinic but they will hear my voice & the men of the Jude 23 Network pleading for them to turn to God.
Love isn't Hate
When John was preaching to the women going into the clinic one of the escorts came at John and said, "why so much hate!?" Isn't it amazing that we as Christians who love God, love people, & love the unborn are considered hateful because we're taking a stand against the systematic murder of children. John replied, "Sir, we are telling the mother not to hate their child by killing them." As Christians we are to boldly stand for truth, justice, love, & God even when the world reviles or hates us. One day when we all stand before the judgment seat of Christ everything we've said & done will be brought into the light. Those who said we 'hate' will realize how much love we really have for them. Jesus is our example, he lived a perfectly good & sinless life but still the world hated him & nailed him to a cross. As his servants how can we expect any better treatment?
My first Open Air preaching experience
After Jerry had preached he prompted me to open air preach as well. I'm glad he did because God has put that desire in my heart and all I needed was that nudge. So Jerry lined me up by preaching the law & sin to bring me up to share the gospel. This was my first official open air so I must admit I was very nervous but once I opened my mouth God's grace was sufficient. I was encouraged to see many of the Catholics and clinic escorts listened. It was a joy to point sinners to the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. If God can save a sinful, selfish, rebel like myself & raise him up to preach the gospel in front of an abortion clinic... then God can do anything believe me (better yet believe in God). While preaching I noted that some of these woman made an appointment for an abortion but we all have an appointed with death & we'll stand before God in judgment. We must be righteous- absolutely perfect and free from sin (Mt. 5:48). No amount of good deeds will cover our sins, our sins must be punished to be forgiven. Only the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ will suffice. He died as the punishment for your sins paying the sinful debt we owe God & by repentance & faith we receive the benefits of this sacrifice on our behalf. When we turn from sin & trust in Christ God will forgive us of all sins, grant us eternal life, & give us the Holy Spirit & a new heart to live for Him. May God open hearts & draw them into eternal joy. Worthy is the Lamb who was slain!
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