I've been trying to make an effort lately to make each day count for eternity. I recently read a great quote, "If something is not worth dying for than its definitely not worth living for." As a Christian I have to really examine my life & look at what fills it up. Does it show that I value Christ or things of the world? That's convicting but we have "One life to live that soon will pass, only what's done for Christ will last." With all this said, I'm going to try to give a gospel tract or share the gospel with someone everyday. That is a cause worth living for: sacrificially loving others & serving Christ on my way into eternity.
Since I've made this resolve God has brought many people my way to share the gospel with and many have been very receptive. I pulled up to a gas station the other night & gave a million dollar bill gospel tract to the man pumping gas next to me. His name was Aaron, we got into a great conversation about what happens after death. He told me that he hoped he had lived a good enough life for God to let him into heaven. We may try to live a good life but we can never live up to the standard Jesus set when he said, "be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect" (Mt. 5:48). So I took him through some of the 10 commandments & Aaron began to see his sinfulness before a God of holiness & justice. From there I took Aaron to the cross of Christ & showed him where love, forgiveness, truth, and grace was demonstrated for him.
Aaron had a soft heart, I could tell God has been working on him. He told me that his girlfriend is taking him to church & wants him to get right with God. He also has another Christian friend who has been encouraging him & I was the third person God sent. Wow, what an honor to be part of God's work to a soul when I was just pulling up to get some gas. But God works every detail out for his glory & this is what I was created to do. "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them" (Eph 2:10).
Please Pray for:
-Aaron (Gas station/ He was very receptive to the Gospel & it seemed God may be drawing him)
-Chris & Shane (Chris was an old childhood friend & Shane was a high school senior.. they were both very open to the truth)
-Jeff (Jeff had a Christian background but appreciated hearing the Gospel explained)
-3 teen girls (ages 13-15, they listened intently & I pray God uses that seed I sowed)
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