"Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you,that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers." Peter said to him, "Lord, I am ready to go with you both to prison and to death." Jesus said, "I tell you, Peter, the rooster will not crow this day, until you deny three times that you know me." -Luke 22:31-34
This evening I did like many Christians do on Good Friday, I read the account of the death of Christ. My text was Luke 22 & 23 but as I read through this reality that I believe, I preach, I have given my life too something stuck out: Luke 22:31-34. In these verses we don't just look deep inside of Peter's blindness of himself but also our weakness and blindness. We see how amazingly patience & faithful Jesus is to his people despite their pride & unfaithfulness. Jesus was on the doorstep of his crucifixion & yet he approaches Peter (who is unaware of what is about to go down) to let him know He is praying for him & will pick him up after his epic fall.
Jesus tells Peter that Satan has eyed him & plans to take him out yet Peter is so quick to basically imply, 'Don't even trip, Lord, I got your back... you know I'm down no matter what.' Oh really Peter??? 3 times bro, 3 times you'll do it. That was a 'Guilty Friday' for Peter & yet are we all any different than him? Jesus knows Peter will fall but the focus is on picking him up before he has even fallen. That's amazing to me, Jesus sees through our flexing pride & is lifting us back up before we even fall. Its grace! Its all Christ, he is supreme in everything that sustains Christians in this life. Through all our broken promises, constant sinning, failures, pride, foolishness- God is still there & still wants us & will always love those who have trusted in Christ.
We celebrate this day because we know Jesus accomplished salvation on that cross but I pray you will take time to be humbled that you are guilty on this Friday. Your sins nailed Jesus to the cross, you & I murdered God in the flesh. So know when Jesus hung on that tree under God's wrath, man's mocking swears, ripped flesh, nails & all he prayed to the Father, "forgive them for they know not what they do." That prayer was for you, despite all your sinfulness & failures Jesus is still waiting on you. None will snatch his people from his hands! I love you Jesus
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