"He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD." -Proverbs 18:22
The title of my blog is "Unworthy Servants" because of how gracious God has been to me an unworthy sinner. There are so many blessings God allows me to enjoy each day that I don't deserve. I have an eternal relationship with Jesus, I get to share the gospel to those who need it, I'm about to graduate from college, I get to play basketball for my college, I have valuable relationships with my family & friends. On & on I could go but one blessing I want to highlight is my wife, Amanda. As Proverbs 18 states I have found a good thing, I'd say a great thing! And each day with her reminds me how much favor I have received from the Lord. I mean look at my face on my wedding day in that picture!
Amanda was born on this day 24 years ago & I'm so thankful for her life. She has been so rock solid, loyal, loving, & supportive to me as her husband since we've been married. You only need to look at us for 2 seconds & realize that she is way out of my league but what is most beautiful about her is her huge heart. She really has a soft heart to care for people and serves others faithfully. To all the men who have are about to be married or they are married I want to say you are unworthy. To have a wife is the greatest blessing you can have in this life & never forget you have found favor from the Lord. Marriage is the picture God gave us to express Christ loving relationship to the church. That's power!
I want to encourage all the godly husbands out there to spoil your wife with love, date your wife, pray for her, read the God's word with her, let her know you believe in her, & never forget you are unworthy to have her. So to my wife Amanda, I'm thankful for the day you were born but especially everyday I have with you.
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