Asbury College hosted a FCA Team Camp the last week of June for high school basketball, tennis, & wrestling teams. I had the privilege to be the leader of team devotions for Pikeville H.S. basketball & briefly speak in a camp chapel. With very short notice I prepared to give a concise presentation of my testimony & more importantly the Gospel. I needed to be 'ready in & out of season' to preach the gospel & I heavily relied of God's grace to bless my message.
The crowd of over 400 campers & coaches poured into the chapel very 'hyper' from a day full of competition. My wife & I had been praying for the hearts of these campers to be prepared to receive the gospel but the prepping wasn't what I expected. The chapel began with a silly rap skit... that was designed to 'loosen' the kids up & entertain them. Then I was schedule to go on... but I was encouraged by my wife, Amanda, who was praying for me in the back of the chapel. Seconds before I went up she looked at me & said, 'Phillip, these kids need to hear what you have to say to them.' That was all I needed to hear from her & I felt like a man on a mission... sent by God Himself to proclaim truth from the rooftops!
I humbly took the stage & gazed into the eyes of these teens who I know would not give a rip about what I have to say unless the Holy Spirit gives them ears to hear, eyes to see & hearts to understand. I have nothing to offer but the gospel that saves & the testimony of my life (that God radically saved a wretch like me). I feel like I had gripped their attention & poured myself out in that short time with only one goal. To humbly, clearly, & boldly preach the gospel of Jesus Christ & call all to repent & believe. I feel like God blessed our time in chapel & the next evening Pastor Patrick Whyte preached a beautiful & powerful message on the Gospel. My heart burned inside of me when I heard it & I felt like the Holy Spirit brought life to many spiritually dead souls.
Every night after the chapels I met with Pikeville's basketball team to have a devotional & answer any questions they may have. On the last night I know the Lord blessed our time. I just began to share with these young men my own testimony & the importance of examining their own hearts to see if their is genuine repentance & faith present. Our time started out a little awkward but soon the players & even their coaches began opening up to me. One of Pikeville's coaches (who is a very reserved man) felt led to read from the Bible & encourage his players. From there I felt like the Lord was bringing Scriptures to mind so I shared with them & we finished with prayer. After we finished a player pulled me aside to talk. He thanked me for the devotionals but had been really examining his life about true repentance. He confessed a growing guilt of sin within & the growing pressure of outwardly looking like the 'golden boy' to adults around him. I just encouraged him & gave him some Scripture to read & pray through. I was very excited to see a heart was being pressed upon by our discussions. It was a great camp & to God be the glory!
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