Recently I had the opportunity to share the gospel at a large sports banquet for Southland Christian Church. My coach informed me on the opportunity and I was all over it. Hey, 'we got one life to live that soon will pass & only whats done for Christ will last' right? I really prayed & prepared for this opportunity knowing I would get to share the gospel with who knows how many souls? Southland Christian is a huge mega church so I figured there would be a great turnout for this event. The director of this event was great, he gave me alot of freedom to speak what was on my heart (the gospel) and was very encouraging.
Game Day:
After practice I cleaned up & took Amanda with me to the coach & teammate (T.J.) came as well for support. Amanda was getting nervous for me because alot of people started pouring in...I've never spoken to a crowd bigger than maybe 50...and by the time the banquet started there could of easily been over 400 people. Wow!!! what an opportunity to exalt Christ through the preaching of His Gospel. The banquet was pretty creative, it was set up like the NBA Draft for the kids involved and Southland had it all....announcers, highlight videos, a commissioner, you name it.
Tip Off:
Before you know it I was called up to the podium, but it was now a pulpit for me. I was pretty nervous, I mean I love preaching the gospel with all my heart but I'm still a weak, broken, flawed vessel who has no power unless the Lord blesses my words. So what was my message, my goal, my method??? Just to humbly & boldly preach Jesus Christ crucified & resurrected. I used a basketball analogy to grip the audience's attention & just went right into the 'ground work' for the gospel. The ground work is explaining the question before I give the answer.
You see, most Christians are quick to say 'Jesus is the answer' but a lost sinner doesn't even know what the question is. Christians say turn to Jesus but the unregenerate they're not that bad & would say 'I didn't even know I had to turn, I'm content of going my way.' Christian brothers & sisters we need to take our zeal for the gospel & use the evangelism methods of the ultimate evangelist, Jesus Christ. His method striped a sinner of their self-righteousness and exposed their sinfulness before a holy God. How did Jesus & the apostles do this? Simple, take them through God's law (10 commandments) and help sinners see their sin & understand how hopeless they are before God's righteous judgment....Then they'll see their need for grace, and a Savior from the wrath to come.
Now it is time to offer the free gift of Salvation that comes through Jesus Christ. He alone fulfilled God's righteous requirements by living a sinless life and then amazingly died on a Cross in our place as a sacrifice for our sins. 3 days later He rose from the grave as a victorious Savior over sin & death. We have rebelled and God commands us to repent & put our trust in Christ. Sins will be punished, either we will pay for our sins in hell or we will have Christ pay for our sins on the cross.
Needless to say everything went great & I could see in the eyes of many in the audience that they were taking in this message. I only pray that God gave them ears to hear & the eyes of their hearts see the glory of Christ. A few men in leadership at Southland came up to me and said they really appreciated the clear explaination of the gospel. What more could a soul want or need? We were created to glory in God & be enthralled by his love. Christ has done the work for us to be reconciled back to God. What can the world offer us? Money, fame, possessions, praise? Its all empty & it will only last for a vapor of time & then its gone. Joy in God is ever increasing & will satisfy for all of eternity!!! God offers Himself as our supreme treasure...God demands that we have what will bring us the most joy & happiness forever......Himself!
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