And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.
Day to day pours forth speech,
And night to night reveals knowledge. -Psalms 19:1-2

Over the last week we have experienced an amazing winter storm. Its just been freezing weather, power outage, falling tree branches, snow, ice, ice and more ice. Through all this I have tried to enjoy the beauty of God's power in creation. On my way to the gym or class I have seen some of the most beautiful and breathtaking views I have ever witnessed. Massive ice sickles hanging from power lines, frozen trees sparkling with thick ice, and a soft canvas of snow covering the ground.... these are just a few of the glories of God's hand.
I pray that this winter storm only points believers to love, adore, fear, and worship God even more. To be in awe of His power, creativity, and his transcendent nature that makes us finite humans lay our hands over our mouths in reverence of the only One worthy to be praised. May we give glory to God...not sleding, not frosty the snow man, not days off from school, not snowball fights. These are fun & can be blessings but may we treasure God and see His beauty in all that He reveals to us.
Dear Father, be merciful to me a sinner. Thank you for your love and patience through Christ. You truly are long suffering and full of lovingkindness...You not only give rain to the just and the also give snow. To You belongs the glory. Amen.
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