I now attend a Christian college (Asbury). But biblically I know most of those around me are not Christians, they have just put on a mask & learned what to say & do when being watched. Its all head knowledge, their isn't a deep heart love for Christ like they have for the world or sports or reputation. So, when I hear them speak of Christ, the gospel, Christianity, etc. it is as if they have made a decision to better themselves and sin is reduced to bad choices we need to overcome. This will of course effect the way you share the gospel. It leads to depending on methods rather then simple truth, building friendship to replace gospel proclamation.
Which brings me to my point: can I command someone to repent & believe the gospel? Or should I merely make suggestions & give advice? I think the issue is authority & understanding if I actually do have a right to do this. Lets examine what Paul spoke to those unbelievers on Mars Hill:
"The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent, because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead."(Acts 17:30-31)
Paul commanded unbelievers to repent because God commands unbelievers to repent. In love, we also have the right & authority as ministers of the gospel. God saves men, not our methods, not our programs, or personalities or charm. With complete reliance upon the Holy Spirit and the power of the gospel we are to faithfully preach the word. Men have rebelled, sinned, hated their Creator and made gods to suit themselves. Men are ruined & headed for destruction so with the love of God in our hearts we must command them to turn from their evil ways and be restored in Christ. Let us be faithful to God, who alone deserves all praise & glory.
Here's a video from Paul Tripp that may help you.....our task is hard but is the most important thing in the world, we deal with souls.