
Sharing the gospel at Canaan Christian Chuch

Today the Lord allowed me to share the gospel and encourage evangelism to about 15 people who gathered behind Canaan Christian Church. I was invited by a gentlemen named Cory who started saturday morning football games at the church to bring in the lost. Cory told me the Lord's been dealing with his heart about evangelizing and it was God's providence that he came across the Jude 23 Network on bardstown road a couple of weeks ago. Cory talked to John (Jude 23 Network leader) and received the book "The Way of the Master". One thing led to another and I was given the opportunity after the football game to share the gospel and encourage believer's to evangelize.

As I was driving to the church, I didn't know what to expect but I prayed and thought of the verse "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them." -(Eph 2:10) What peace I have to know I'm not the source of anything and all God ask of me is to be faithful in the good works He has already prepared for me to walk in. I was redeemed to know Christ and treasure Him and to be salty this very morning to a group of individuals I've never met and may never meet again. I showed up as they were finishing the last game and we all circled up for prayer and Cory introduced me to everyone.

I began telling them about the Jude 23 Network and the Way of the Master evangelism ministry and encouraged them to look into it and pray for a burden to share the gospel. Most of the people here went to church but I promised God that I would never look at individuals with labels because I 'grew up in church' and I was as lost and enslaved to sin as anyone. It went great, I started with showing the existences of God through creation and our consciences. I shared a little of my testimony to show that we must examine our hearts to see where our treasure is. To look at the fruits of our lives to see what kind of tree we are. I've found that nearly every nominal Christian or lost churchman isn't trusting in Christ alone but rather their own good works and the fact that they have a Christian backround. They're content with giving God a few hours a week of lip service while their hearts treasure and desire the things of the world (like football, food, TV, clothes, etc.) far greater then Christ. It seems everyone wants a Savior from hell but not a Lord.....only a true Christian will desire a Savior to Lord over their lives and free them from sin and love for the things of the world.

I then took them through the law (10 commandments) to expose the conscience to God's righteousness and open eyes to our state of sinfulness and depravity as rebels in the hands of an angry and just God. When laying this foundation the gospel is good news and Christ is the most glorious treasure in the universe! "He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed." -(1 Pet 2:24) What joy I have to exposit the glories of propitiation! That Christ absorbed every bit of God's wrath that the believer deserves and He swallowed down every drop in that cup the Father prepared for Him! I finished with a plea to repent because lost churchmen are the same as the devil (they both go to church, they know scripture and they believe in Jesus but they'll all end up in hell because they won't repent). Repent of sins, repent of trusting in self, repent of all hope except Jesus Christ crucified and resurrected!

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